Creative Ukraine Forum is the largest platform in Eastern Europe for discussing state policies in the field of culture and creative industries. Annually, the event brings together speakers from 10+ countries worldwide.
Politicians, creative entrepreneurs, international experts in the fields of culture and economics, representatives of state authorities and civil society, are involved in the development of optimal paths for shaping the creative economy in Ukraine.
The forum has been held since 2017 and is organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and Ukrainian Center for Cultural Research.
The goal of the forum "CREATIVE UKRAINE" 2024 — is to demonstrate how, in the crucible of war, a new Ukrainian culture and creative industries are being rethought and born, highlighting their contribution to Ukraine's struggle.
During the event, we plan to:
- Showcase successful examples of Ukraine's cultural and creative industries contributing to the information war;
- Discuss the ongoing communication strategy, narratives, and the cultural diplomacy strategy of the Ukrainian state in the current stage of the war. What has changed? Which formats and messages have become outdated, and which remain relevant? Who is the target audience?
- Identify further steps: what additional roles can the cultural and creative community play in the information and diplomatic confrontation.
The official opening of the Forum
Module 1. Rethinking the role of culture and creative industries in Ukraine
Special session "Ukrainian phenomenon"
Module 2. Culture and Inclusion
Module 3. Culture and Media
Module 4. Culture and Business
Campfire session 1. Identity
Campfire session 2. Dialogue between controlled and non-controlled territories of Ukraine
Campfire session 3. External communication of Ukrainian creative industries - cultural diplomacy
Modeling sessions. Work in groups. Modeling the ecosystem
Presentation of modeling using the Design of Changes method